Hi, having an issue with Related Posts and the JNews theme. when I try to select a related post to add, the part where the post is inserted appears as a block of code, like this:
var_absrc = absrc.split("type=js"); absrc = _absc[0] + 'typezjs;referrer=' +encodeURiComponent(document.location.href) +_absrc[1]; document.write(");
instead of showing the post. Here is a screen shot as well: https://cdn.starnewsgroup.com/images/related-code.png
I am able to get it to work using the shortcode option ([related_post post_ids="167190"]).

Hi, the code does not originate from our plugin. Could you please verify by deactivating our plugin for a while and checking if the code is still present?

Hi, we apologize for the inconvenience. Our team is currently investigating the issue and will get back to you as soon as possible.
Hmm. The code only appears when I select a related post to add to the current post in the editor, and it looks OK on the back end, but appears only on the front end. So it sounds like it is a conflict with another plugin. I will do some additional testing, thanks!