Thanks hassan i changed it from asc to desc job display..
But problem in pagination.. i have set up page load style as "load more" but on search result page it is coming as pagination and it is not working as we already discussed.. can you make the load more option for search result page also..
Search Software Testing, location chennai ... to check for pagination option more thing..i want to set default logo,which u already told me to do something but i dont know how to do it..can you help me with that also
Thanks and regards
Can you please download "Job Board Manager – Search" version 1.0.7 from here
I just added Load more to search result. its a quick fix, let me know the update for anything not work properly.
Also if you use company add you will see the option for uploading default company logo.
Thanks for your post,
Let me try first, i will let you know when update is ready.
** Sorry for make you late, was busy some other exciting project currently running, that's why can't manage time for Job Board Manager.
i just tested excerpts are displaying well,breadcrumb is awesome..
Thanks hassan that was a great help..yes indeed we need to hire someone for this job..
i wud like to buy more addons for this job board manager in few more days..
thanks for the great support..