Script on page breaking

Script on page breaking 1
Jan 30, 2024 05:16 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Jan 2024
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We are seeing the Product Slider for Woocommerce breaking on the main homepage (, while on the other language directories it appears correct (, and you can see some code at the end of the slider section in the English homepage.

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Script on page breaking 2
Azizul Raju
Feb 01, 2024

Hi Fureco,
I apologize for the delayed response and appreciate you bringing this issue to our attention.

I noticed that our Product Slider for WooCommerce plugin is no longer active on your homepage. However, to better understand and assist you with the issue you reported, I would greatly appreciate it if you could:

Reactivate the Product Slider plugin
Regenerate the issue
Share a link

This information will be invaluable in pinpointing the cause and getting you back on track.

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