Request to Include Post SMTP in Your “WordPress SMTP Plugins” Blog Post

Request to Include Post SMTP in Your "WordPress SMTP Plugins" Blog Post 1
Hamza Hanif
Jul 09, 2024 11:55 AM 0 Answers
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Hi Team,

I hope this email finds you well.

My name is Hamza Hanif, and I am an SEO Strategist at Post SMTP. I recently came across your insightful blog post on the best WordPress SMTP plugins and found it to be incredibly informative.

I wanted to suggest that you include our product, Post SMTP, in your list. Post SMTP is a robust, user-friendly SMTP plugin designed to ensure reliable email deliverability for WordPress sites. Its comprehensive logging and debugging features, OAuth 2.0 integration for major email services, and a unique notification system that alerts users of email delivery issues.

Here are a few key features that make Post SMTP a valuable addition to your list:

- Title: Post SMTP – WordPress SMTP Plugin

- Description: You can change the brand name from Postman SMTP to Post SMTP. 

- List of New SMTP Mailers Added: SendPulse, Mailjet, Zoho, Amazon SES, and more.

- New Features/ Integrations: Post SMTP mobile app,  MainWP/Post Tool Integration.

- Updated Images:

We believe that including Post SMTP in your blog post will provide your readers with a more comprehensive overview of the best SMTP plugins available for WordPress. We would be honored to be featured alongside the other great plugins you have listed.

Please let me know if you need any additional information or if there are any specific requirements for inclusion. We are more than happy to provide whatever you need.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

Hamza Hanif
SEO Strategist

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