Request for Inclusion of Our Plugin in HostGator’s Wishlist Plugins Comparison Article

Request for Inclusion of Our Plugin in HostGator's Wishlist Plugins Comparison Article 1
saja abuaysheh
May 10, 2024 06:50 PM 0 Answers
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Dear PickPlugins Team,

I hope this email finds you well.

We, at WPFactory, specialize in providing WordPress and WooCommerce plugins tailored to enhance user experience and functionality. We have recently come across your insightful blog post titled "5+ Free WooCommerce Wishlist Plugin" and were impressed by the thorough comparisons provided.

However, we noticed that our plugin, "Wishlist for WooCommerce: Multi Wishlists Per Customer by WPFactory," was not included in your list. We believe that our plugin offers unique features and benefits that could greatly benefit your readers.

We would like to kindly request that you consider including our plugin in your comparison article. "Wishlist for WooCommerce: Multi Wishlists Per Customer" is designed to empower users with the ability to create multiple wishlists seamlessly. We are confident that its inclusion would enrich the scope of your article and provide valuable insights to your audience.

Furthermore, if you require any additional information or resources to facilitate the inclusion of our plugin and to ensure that the content aligns well with your website and blog, we are more than happy to provide it. We can furnish you with all the necessary details and insights to help you accurately represent our plugin to your audience. In return for your consideration, we are more than happy to provide backlinks to your website from our platform. We believe in fostering mutually beneficial partnerships within the WordPress community and are eager to collaborate with you.

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. We look forward to the possibility of seeing our plugin featured in your esteemed article. Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,

WPFactory Support Team

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