Hi there,
I use the WooCommerce Show Single Variations by Iconic to show product variations on the front end.
The plugin allows me set product titles for specific variations as well as set individual variations as 'Featured' for displaying on the front end.
The variation can also be added to cart directly from the catalog view rather than going to the product page and selecting the variation.
Example: Batman Damned
Is there any way I can alter a slider to select the products set as featured at the variation level and use the variation titles set by WooCommerce Show Single Variations?
I'm able to display these products using shortcodes in Woocommerce, but can't work out a way to use them in a slider.
Thank you for your help 🙂
Kind regards,
Welcome to our forum.
This is interesting to me, we haven't tried this plugin before.
can you please send me a copy of the WooCommerce Show Single Variations by Iconic i will try for our plugin to make compatible.
Hi PickPlugins,
Any movement on this at all?
Kind regards,