Problems with Post Grid Combo Slowing Down My Site and Causing formatting issues in WP Editor

Ticket for: Combo Blocks
Problems with Post Grid Combo Slowing Down My Site and Causing formatting issues in WP Editor 1
Nov 19, 2023 11:02 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Nov 2023
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My site has been slowing down in the WP Dashboard considerably and the editor in WordPress has formatting issues. None of the headings appear as headings. They all look like paragraphs. I activated and deactivated all my plugins to find out what was causing the issues and it looks like the Post Grid plugin is the cause of the issues. When I deactivate they plugin, the Wp dashboard speeds up and the formatting issues in the editor go away.

I had a site speed developer look at the site and he said that he wasn't proficient enough in CSS to make the changes to fix the editor. For the speed of the site, he said there is no real solution except to have the plugin fixed or to use another plugin.

I noticed that the site speed got worse recently and tried downgrading to an earlier version of Post Grid, but both issues still persist.

I am not sure what to do here. I really like this plugin and need it for my site. I have around 100 pages on my site that display grids.

Any help here fixing the plugin would be appreciated.

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Problems with Post Grid Combo Slowing Down My Site and Causing formatting issues in WP Editor 2
Azizul Raju
Nov 20, 2023

Thank you so much for your post and we're grateful to you that you're still using our plugin.

As you already noticed we're including many Gutenberg blocks on our Post Grid Combo plugin. Our dev team is continuously working on it and the progress is still under development. Take a quick look -
Our team has already noticed some unnecessary CSS files are loading that slow down the site and we're really sorry for this. We'll fix this issue ASAP and will push and update within a day or two.

And I'm not getting the formatting issue that you've mentioned. Could you please tell me what theme you're using? and please share a screenshot of your formatting issue. You can host your screenshot imgBB or imgur and share the link with us.


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