problems purchasing woocommerce products slider.

problems purchasing woocommerce products slider. 1
Jun 04, 2018 02:02 AM 1 Answers General
Member Since May 2018
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Hello Pickplugins,

I am trying to purchase woocommerce products slider and at first attempt last week I tried to input card info at least ten times all resulting in failed verification. I have since checked with bank and card company, all is well and i have authorized oversea transaction as I am in the u.s. . After authorizing overseas transaction and after last attempt to purchase about 5 min ago I am now getting error message that reads "error:PE101" contact seller.......any insights?

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problems purchasing woocommerce products slider. 1
problems purchasing woocommerce products slider. 3
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problems purchasing woocommerce products slider. 4
Jun 04, 2018

Welcome to our forum.

Can you please try another browser or clear browser cache, we get some frequent sale today, issue probably temporary.


problems purchasing woocommerce products slider. 5
- Jun 04, 2018 02:22 AM
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okay….completed transaction on Edge, I usually use chrome. Thank you very much!

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