Pricing Tables

Pricing Tables 1
Apr 16, 2018 08:35 AM 1 Answers General
Member Since Apr 2018
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i had the free version of pricing tables and just upgraded to premium. where do i add the license key in order to get the upgrade?

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Pricing Tables 4
Apr 16, 2018

Welcome to our forum.

How to upgrade to pro?

Simply remove or uninstall free or older version of “PricingTable” and reinstall premium version plugin you downloaded from our website. By uninstalling free or older version your data won’t lost, so don’t worry.

How to Activate License?

After install pro version you will see the license menu appear under PricingTable

If you bought the plugin “PricingTable” from you will see a license key’s for your purchased items in page License Keys or My Account page you need to logged-in to see your own license key’s.

Copy the license Key for PricingTable and go your site admin dashboard menu PricingTable » License you will see activation form for license key, paste the license key License Key text box and click Activate. you will need to connect internet to activate license key’s after successfully activate you will see response message from our server like License key activated and Status: Active

Let me know for more help.


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