Posts not found when filterable grid is enabled.

Ticket for: Combo Blocks
Posts not found when filterable grid is enabled. 1
Greg Rozeboom
Dec 06, 2019 08:28 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Nov 2019
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I have a custom post type, 'professional'. When I make a regular post grid, using its Taxonomies, I see all the posts. When I switch to a filterable grid, almost all the posts disappear. The counts on the taxonomy terms are accurate, but the number of posts that appear is much smaller. Sometimes this is due to the sort order method, but I tried all of them, and the problem persists. How can I troubleshoot this? It would be very useful if there were a debug mode that would display all filtering factors. PLEASE NOTE: I can't allow site access. I can take screenshots, but the client won't allow 3rd parties to access the site.

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Posts not found when filterable grid is enabled. 1
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Posts not found when filterable grid is enabled. 3
Greg Rozeboom
Dec 06, 2019

Also - when I set the posts per page to -1, the page never completes loading.  It eventually hangs with a 503 error.

Posts not found when filterable grid is enabled. 4
Greg Rozeboom
- Dec 06, 2019 10:40 PM
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Hi there. I'm under a time crunch. Can anyone make a suggestion on this?

Posts not found when filterable grid is enabled. 4
Greg Rozeboom
- Dec 06, 2019 09:11 AM
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It's looking like the problem is that Post Grid in combination with Divi is failing when the number of posts is over 60 or so. I'd like to be able to identify the bottleneck. I can use Chrome's network tools and console to give you more info, and I can tell you about the PHP settings as needed.

Posts not found when filterable grid is enabled. 4
Greg Rozeboom
- Dec 06, 2019 08:55 AM
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It may be a conflict with Divi, as I am running the Divi Theme. I'd like to resolve the conflict if that's the case. Unfortunately I'd be forced to use something besides Post Grid, if it came down to it.

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