Post Grid Pro shows tags a links to “#”

Post Grid Pro shows tags a links to "#" 1
Feb 01, 2018 03:23 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since Jan 2018
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I'm using the latest version of Post Grid Pro, but this small issue happened with the free plugin as well.

When I create a layout that displays a posts' tags, those tags are displayed as links. I would like to display them without being wrapped in <a href=""></a>, but I'm not sure where to make this modification either in the GUI interface or in the code of the plugin.

Many thanks for your help.

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Post Grid Pro shows tags a links to "#" 1
Post Grid Pro shows tags a links to "#" 3
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Post Grid Pro shows tags a links to "#" 4
Feb 01, 2018

Welcome to our forum. Please see the file

Post Grid Pro shows tags a links to "#" 5
- Feb 03, 2018 09:50 AM
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Sorry for late reply, i did't noticed that my answer wasn't posted fully. that might be our forum plugin issue. we are re-writing the plugin currently to add option for display with link or not, hope next version will work perfectly. here is the screenshot of working version you may love it.


Post Grid Pro shows tags a links to "#" 6
- Feb 01, 2018 11:11 PM
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I'm not sure I understand, but I do want to say that I was able to get the free version of Post Grid to stop displaying tags as links to "#" by making changes to /grid-items/layer-content.php

For the free version of Post Grid, I edited Line 204 of /grid-items/layer-content.php
FROM THIS: $html_content.= '<a href="#">'.$tag->name . '</a> ';
TO THIS: $html_content.= $tag->name;

Doing something similar to layer-content.php in Post Grid Pro hasn't worked for me. So, I went to Line 215 of /templates/layer-content.php and made a similar change – and it worked! Two versions of layer-content.php in separate folders had me confused.

Perhaps adding an option to the Layout Editor with like "Tag w. Link" or "Tag w. no Link" would be a good option?

Post Grid Pro shows tags a links to "#" 6
- Feb 01, 2018 10:36 PM
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I'm not sure I understand, but I do want to say that I was able to get the free version of Post Grid to stop displaying tags as links to "#" by making changes to /grid-items/layer-content.php

For the free versino of Post Grid, I edited Line 204 of /grid-items/layer-content.php
FROM THIS: $html_content.= '<a href="#">'.$tag->name . '</a> ';
TO THIS: $html_content.= $tag->name;

Doing something similar to layer-content.php in Post Grid Pro hasn't worked for me.

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