Post Grid Pro: Posts per page value won’t change

Ticket for: Combo Blocks
Post Grid Pro: Posts per page value won't change 1
Nov 21, 2023 06:35 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Jan 1970
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I have had a value of 1 for Posts per Page but Post Grid Pro is now showing 10 no matter what value I place in the field. Please help me fix this bug.

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Post Grid Pro: Posts per page value won't change 2
Azizul Raju
Nov 21, 2023

Hi Gabriel,
We're sorry for the inconvenience.

Our team is currently working on both the free and pro versions of our Post Grid Combo plugin. We'll release an update within a day or two. Please wait, I'll let you know once we update.


Post Grid Pro: Posts per page value won't change 3
Azizul Raju
- Dec 02, 2023 11:06 AM
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Please check your email inbox and continue the conversation there.

Post Grid Pro: Posts per page value won't change 4
Gabriel Vine
- Nov 30, 2023 09:44 PM
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Hello, I emailed the link, do you have any idea why this is happening on our homepage??

Post Grid Pro: Posts per page value won't change 4
Gabriel Vine
- Nov 28, 2023 01:58 AM
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Hi, I sent the login, any luck figuring out what is going on on my homepage yet?

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