Post grid pro disables header text and linebreaks from displaying in editor after WP 6.4.2

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Post grid pro disables header text and linebreaks from displaying in editor after WP 6.4.2 1
Dec 16, 2023 01:06 PM 1 Answers
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Hi, after my website was upgraded to 6.4.2, I noticed that in the visual editor, heading text and line breaks were no longer appearing. After a process-of-elimination test, I discovered that Post Grid was the cause of the error, as deactivating the plugin causes the editor to return to normal.

This is less of a question and more of a bug report - the lack of linebreaks and header text emphasis makes editing pages a bit difficult, so I'd love to see a fix soon.

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Post grid pro disables header text and linebreaks from displaying in editor after WP 6.4.2 2
Azizul Raju
Dec 17, 2023

Hi Zin,
We're so sorry to hear you're experiencing this inconvenience. To better understand the issue with your visual editor, could you share some screenshots with us?
Uploading your screenshots to Imgur and sharing the link is super easy. We'll get right on solving this for you!
Azizul Raju

Post grid pro disables header text and linebreaks from displaying in editor after WP 6.4.2 3
Zinnia Leier
- Dec 25, 2023 06:19 PM
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No worries, I understand! My website is a low-traffic personal archive, so I think I can survive a few days with the effected pages being nonfunctional. Let me know if you need more detail on the bugs I’ve encountered!

Post grid pro disables header text and linebreaks from displaying in editor after WP 6.4.2 4
Azizul Raju
- Dec 25, 2023 12:28 PM
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I truly appreciate your patience. It’s definitely a priority for us, and our team is diligently working on a fix. While a stable update will take a few days, I wanted to offer a temporary solution in the meantime.
Would you be comfortable reverting to the previous version of the plugin (2.2.62)? This stable version will keep things running smoothly until we release the fix.

Here’s how to easily download and install 2.2.62:
1. Go to this link:
2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and find the “Version Select” box.
3. Choose version number 2.2.62 and click the “Download” button.
4. Once downloaded, simply upload and install the plugin manually within your WordPress dashboard.

I understand switching versions can be inconvenient, and I sincerely apologize for the disruption. Your patience and cooperation are truly appreciated!

Post grid pro disables header text and linebreaks from displaying in editor after WP 6.4.2 3
Zinnia Leier
- Dec 24, 2023 07:08 PM
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Also, pagination appears to be broken / all the posts display despite having been divided into pages before.

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