On line 49 of /dist/output.css of the current version (2.2.99) of your "Post Grid Gutenberg Blocks - ComboBlocks" plugin you have a class called .collapse{} which, if included in a site using bootstrap, will make the menu and several other things disappear
A potential solution would be to prefix your CSS classes, for example .pp_colapse (for Pick Plugins) or .ComboBlocks-collapse. Using a prefix will ensure that can never happen with Bootstrap, WordPress or any other CSS that your users have.

Hi David,
Thank you for bringing the issue to our attention. We have already fixed it and updated our plugin to version 2.3.0. Please update to the latest version, and we hope this will resolve the problem.
If you find it helpful, would you mind writing a review for our plugin? Your feedback would inspire us greatly.
You can submit your review here: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/post-grid/reviews/
Thank you!
Hi! If you’re using our plugin for personal use or clients, please write a success story at this link: https://comboblocks.com/success-stories/submit-story/
We will feature your name, picture, and website link on our site. Thank you so much!