Post Grid Combo – Bad request on font

Ticket for: Combo Blocks
Post Grid Combo - Bad request on font 1
Oct 09, 2023 06:59 PM 2 Answers
Member Since Feb 2021
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Hi Guys,

After one of the recent updates I noticed some of my websites getting a console error - I narrowed it down to Post Grid Combo.

The console error: net::ERR_ABORTED 400 (Bad Request)

I put the page for you as an example

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Post Grid Combo - Bad request on font 1
Post Grid Combo - Bad request on font 3
Post Grid Combo - Bad request on font 4
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2 Answers
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Post Grid Combo - Bad request on font 5
Azizul Raju
Oct 29, 2023

We're sorry for the inconvenience.
We have fixed the issue in our dev environment. You'll get the update from WordPress within a day or two.
But if you need this to be fixed ASAP then please download the GitHub version from the following link and update your plugin manually.
(after download, please extract and rename the folder name by removing 'master'. Then Zip the folder and upload it as a plugin)
Download link:

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Best Answer
Post Grid Combo - Bad request on font 6
Oct 26, 2023

I had a same issue. I fixed it.  Here is how. Download WP Rollback plugin.  rollback version 2.2.61 and then back to the current version of 2.2.63. The issue was when you upgraded to the new version, it didnt overwrite that piece of code.  This fixed it for me. hope this helps

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