Opportunity to Feature Wishlist

Ticket for: Wishlist
Opportunity to Feature Wishlist 1
Sep 02, 2024 04:08 PM 0 Answers
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I hope you're doing well. My name is Arpita, and I’m reaching out from PluginHive, where we create leading WooCommerce plugins and Shopify apps.


We’re in the process of updating our article on WooCommerce WishList (https://www.pluginhive.com/woocommerce-wishlists/) and we believe Wishlist would be an excellent addition. If you're interested, we’d appreciate it, if you could provide content similar to what other plugins have in the article. In return, we'd be happy to include a link back to your site from our page.


This collaboration would not only boost the visibility of both our products but also provide added value to our audiences.


Looking forward to hearing from you.


Best regards,

Arpita |  Digital Marketing Analyst


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