I\'m using your related posts plugin and seemed to work well, however, I\'ve noticed a strange issue.
When there is only a single post in a category instead of displaying something like \'No Related Posts\' is is still displaying <strong>unrelated</strong> posts below the post.
For example this is the only post in the category \'Competitions\' and yet it still lists 3 posts below it: <a href="https://reubenheaton.com/a-news-post/">https://reubenheaton.com/a-news-post/</a>
However, when a category has more than one post it displays the correct related posts below it, for example here:
Any help much appreciated.
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i understand the issue, when related post is found empty, it will grab some latest posts. i will try to update this issue by adding an option to display latest posts or not.
That would be great please, thank you!