No home or path in breadcrumb

Ticket for: Breadcrumb
No home or path in breadcrumb 1
Oct 26, 2023 10:15 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Oct 2023
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I have version 1.5.43.

I installed the plugin today. I've configured it to show Home, however, Home is not showing up nor is the rest of the breadcrumb.


The breadcrumb should read: home > portfolio > name of page but all it is showing is name of page.

Under Options, I have Display Home as breadcrumb? as Yes.

Under Builder > Post Type > Page, I have Home and Post Title selected.

Under Style > Breadcrumb Themes, I have the first theme selected.

Everything else remains the default.



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No home or path in breadcrumb 2
Azizul Raju
Oct 29, 2023

Sorry for my late response.
I think you didn't set a Custom Text for your Home link. Please check this screenshot -

Is 'portfolio' a page, and the 'usertesting-com' is a child page under 'portfolio'? If so, you can use 'Post ancestors' under Page on the builder.

Or if the 'portfolio' is a custom post type. then Builder > Post Type >, A new section called 'Portfolio' will appear. you've to add elements there.

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