Great Plugin - exactly what I needed.
Emails for New User Registered and Resend Activation Key work fine.
Except - New User Confirmed emails not sending.
I looked into the code, and from what I can tell, the uv_mail is missing from the code.
In functions.php, I inserted the following code after line 352. And now the New User Registered emails send.
Not sure if this is the exact right place to make this fix, but it's working.
Maybe this code can help with the fix for the next update.
Cheers - Dan
$user_data = get_userdata( $meta_data->user_id );
uv_mail( $user_data->user_email, array(
'action' => 'email_confirmed',
'user_id' => $meta_data->user_id,
) );

Welcome to our forum.
Great thanks for your finding, i just update the plugin.