Need Demo for Plugin Post Grid

Need Demo for Plugin Post Grid 1
Sep 11, 2024 07:44 AM 1 Answers
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Unfortunately, your demo pages do not work. I would like to see a demo for a post carousel before I buy it. The most important thing for me is which heading type (h2, h3, h4, ...) is used for the title and whether this can be configured.


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Need Demo for Plugin Post Grid 2
Azizul Raju
Sep 14, 2024

Hi, We are currently working on updating our demo page. If you have a specific design in mind that you would like to see included on our demo page, please share it with us. We'd be happy to incorporate it.

Our 'Content Slider' Gutenberg block provided by 'Combo Blocks' plugin allow you to customize of the wrapper tag for the title. You can refer to the screenshots below to understand how our content slider block functions.

The slider options are customizable, with responsive support.
Here are the screenshots:

With the post query, you have the flexibility to customize the query and create a post-slider or other slider types.
Here is the corresponding screenshot:

We offer premade layouts for the slider, which can be used as is or imported and customized according to your requirements. Here is the screenshot:

Every aspect of the slider layout can be customized. For instance, you can customize the wrapper tag for the post title. Here is the respective screenshot:

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