I just bought your post grid plugin for one of my customer.
I want to display future events in a grid with filter on categories. For this it's ok, events are well sorted and presentation is fine.
But when i try to filter by category, animation start and at the end of it, few events of the selected category just disappeared. Try it on chrome by clicking on the "Concert" category : http://triskell.lgdev.fr/lagenda/
Another problem, in safari I can't see any event, they're all on display none with this selector : #post-grid-211 .grid-items .mix
I think that js is causing these issues.
Can you give me a rapid solution ?
Thank you !

Welcome to our forum,
To fix the bug,
Please check any 3rd party also used same mixitup.js , might come from your theme js files (merge) , may older version of mixitup.js cause the conflict.
And when you are using filterable style grid you need to set max number of value for "Posts per page" (you need to load all post you are playing with filterable) i can see only 7 post on your post grid.
Ok thanks again for your answers !