Meta fields and Social Fields are missing in Settings and team-Member view

Ticket for: Team Showcase
Meta fields and Social Fields are missing in Settings and team-Member view 1
Manuel Ganglberger
Oct 13, 2023 12:17 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Aug 2023
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After a transfer from our new homepage we have the following problem: In the Backend the meta fields and social fields disapeared from settings and from Team-Member Site. You can see screenshots I made here:

On the homepage i still see the content that was in the Meta-field, you can see here:

I also tried an xml-export, there is also all ok, still all of the content of the fields is there. So it seems that only the frontend is affected. But now I can’t change the content or add content by a new member.

I don’t think this has to do with the transfer, I already had this about two weeks before, that a meta field disappeared. But this was only a test-meta-field, which was no problem, so I startet with new fields. But now I have already running the finished Project gone live…

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Meta fields and Social Fields are missing in Settings and team-Member view 1
Meta fields and Social Fields are missing in Settings and team-Member view 3
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Meta fields and Social Fields are missing in Settings and team-Member view 4
Oct 15, 2023

Welcome to PickPlugins

I am not sure how these meta fields were removed. you can add them again, make sure you use the meta field(meta key) for team members the same as before.

I was trying to log in to your site, user info is not working, Could you please send me again? you can send me mail to this email address 

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