Link in pop-up section (meta fields)

Ticket for: Team Showcase
Link in pop-up section (meta fields) 1
Nov 13, 2023 08:02 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Jan 1970
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I would like to know how I can put a link inside the pop-up, when it's shown when clicking on a team member's photo. I would like to put a text "View profile" with a link to a specific page. However, when I put the link inside the meta fields of any team member, that text is not clickable and the link doesn't appear in the page of "team".
You can see it here, when you click in "Pedro Fernandez", appear the text "Ver perfil", that I have put in meta fields, but it is not clickable, despite I put "

Ver perfil

" in this meta field area:
How can do to link it?

Since clicking on the image opens the pop-up for everyone the same, and I can not specify that for some a custom link opens instead of the pop up, I need to find a solution so that inside the pop up is this text with a clear link to the individual page of that team member, where you can see their full information.

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Link in pop-up section (meta fields) 2
Azizul Raju
Nov 14, 2023

Hi, You can follow these three steps -
First, create the custom meta Fields. I think you need two fields.

Second, Edit each team member and assign the value to those fields. You can write HTML on these inputs.

Third, Edit the layout that you're using for your Popupbox. and add the layout element called Meta. Now put the Meta Key.

Link in pop-up section (meta fields) 3
Azizul Raju
- Nov 15, 2023 12:21 PM
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Please send the login credentials to our support email –

An expert will fix the issue for you.

Link in pop-up section (meta fields) 4
- Nov 14, 2023 06:24 PM
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For some reason that I don’t understand, as I said and as you will see on the next page, the link (View profile) appears as non-clickable text, instead of having the click enabled:

Link in pop-up section (meta fields) 4
- Nov 14, 2023 06:17 PM
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It does not work.
I have done exactly all the steps indicated, however, only the Text meta field is shown, but not the link meta field (Customlink), even though it is correctly created, added to the popup layout and added the link code to the specific person (Pedro Fernandez).

Please, I urgently need to fix this as soon as possible, could you tell me how to correct it to see what the problem is and to be able to put a link in the form of text in the Pop Up? Thank you…

I have no problem to give you access also to the administrator, just tell me how do I give you the access to not give the password here publicly and I give it to you. But I need to fix this today…

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