Layout changes revert back to default

Layout changes revert back to default 1
Oct 28, 2018 05:15 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since Jan 1970
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I just installed your plugin and looks nice and clean. After having tried about a dozen I was losing hope that any would actually work and yours did and I am testing it out.

My problem is! after choosing the layout then you click on EDIT and you get a choice of display options, after making my changes and clicking save it reverts back to the original 3.

Can you help solve this please?

Should it all work good buying the Premium will be the next step.


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Layout changes revert back to default 2
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Layout changes revert back to default 3
Oct 28, 2018

Welcome to our forum.

Can you please send me some screenshot about your issue, could not understand whats really happened on your side.

Please use to upload screenshots.


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