Job Board Manager – Location issue

Job Board Manager - Location issue 1
Mar 06, 2020 10:26 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Mar 2020
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Hello Team Pickplugins,

We are using your plug ins to set up a job board (Job Board Manager).

We are facing an issue concerning the "locations" addon. We have added several locations but:
1. we don't have an option/dropdown menu to select them when we add a job (cf screenshot), as we have for the job categories for exemple:
2. The job search bar does not work with locations, neither job categories: If you add a keyword in Location field or in Keyword field and click on Search button, you got this errors: Sorry, No jobs found.
[job_bm_category_job_count column=1 display_count=yes count_style=”color:#f00″ link_style=”padding:1px”]

Could you let us know how to have the locations selectable on addons andhow to make search bar work?

Thanks for your help, Kind regards,


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Job Board Manager - Location issue 1
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Job Board Manager - Location issue 3
Mar 17, 2020

Hello, could we have an answer please?

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