I want to disable verification email when signing up using Nextend Social Login

Ticket for: User Verification
I want to disable verification email when signing up using Nextend Social Login 1
Dec 09, 2023 12:45 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Dec 2023
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I am using MemberPress plugin and Nextend social connect to signup. I want my email verified when using Nextend Social Connect.
I have tried the following solution, but it didn't work.

// Hook to run after user registration
add_action('nsl_register_new_user', 'auto_verify_user', 10, 1);

function auto_verify_user($user_id) {
// Mark the user as verified
update_user_meta($user_id, 'user_activation_status', 1);

// Disable the email verification
add_filter('user_verification_email_templates_data', 'disable_email_verification', 10, 1);

function disable_email_verification($email_templates_data) {
// Disable the email_resend_key template
if (isset($email_templates_data['email_resend_key'])) {
$email_templates_data['email_resend_key']['enable'] = 'no';

return $email_templates_data;

Please help.


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I want to disable verification email when signing up using Nextend Social Login 2
Azizul Raju
Dec 09, 2023

Nice try! We need to take a closer look at this. I've already forwarded this feature request to our dev team and will let you know once we're able to make it work.

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