how we can add the filter to search the blog post on the bases of the category.

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how we can add the filter to search the blog post on the bases of the category. 21
Jun 12, 2024 03:30 PM 1 Answers
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I have used this short code

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to show the blog post and search form. But I want to add the functionality to search the blog post on the bases of the categories.
Could you please help me to this point asap?

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how we can add the filter to search the blog post on the bases of the category. 22
Azizul Raju
Jun 13, 2024

We currently don't have a feature to search based on categories. However, if you're a developer, you can use this addon to meet your needs. Here's the URL - Please let me know if you need any help.

Would you mind telling me if you're using the Gutenberg block editor? If you're using a block editor, then I have another solution.

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