how to let the Templates button and combo blocks button disappear  when creat new page or new aritical

Ticket for: Combo Blocks
how to let the Templates button and combo blocks button disappear  when creat new page or new aritical 1
Apr 21, 2024 12:31 PM 1 Answers
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how to let the Templates button and combo blocks button disappear  when creat new page or new aritical

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how to let the Templates button and combo blocks button disappear  when creat new page or new aritical 2
Azizul Raju
Apr 21, 2024

I've passed it on to our development team, and they'll be including that functionality in a future update.
And it appears that you are currently utilizing the Blocksy theme, and all of our blocks are fully compatible with that theme. Could you please confirm if you are using a block from our 'Combo Blocks' plugin?

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