As asked on the forum, I am given to understand that the plugin can also work on custom post type...
1) I have a custom post type Recipe..
2) I would like that to appear on the recipe custom post type
3) I would like to know one user can see another user's public wishlist to vote
4) Any CSS/ Settings to change to the background of the Vote/Like/Social icons to match the branding?
5) The error is shows in video
Welcome to our forum.
#2. you can use following code your theme files to display wishlist button
If you don't know where to place the above code please use following code use under your theme functions.php file to display automatically wishlist button after content.
add_filter('the_content', 'wishlist_button_after_content'); function wishlist_button_after_content($content){ $post_id = get_the_id(); $content .= do_shortcode( '[wishlist_button show_count="yes" id="'.$post_id.'"]' ); return $content; }
I have checked your admin and i don't have access to edit theme files so i can't add these code.
#3, Other users will see the total vote count, not who voted.
#4, custom CSS for view count, vote, social icons background color
.single-wishlist .pickplugins_wl_meta .wl_meta { background: #f5daa9; }
#5. please use following CSS to fix alignment issue on shop page
.pickplugins_wl_wishlist_buttons { margin-left: 25px; }
see the screenshot
Let me know for more help.
can we do this thing without login ?