How do I get a refund?

How do I get a refund? 1
Mar 23, 2020 11:42 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Mar 2020
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I have left several requests for help --
I've emailed directly.
I've commented on your youtube channel.
I have unturned every rock to get this plugin to work (and ask for help).

You have literally given me NO CHOICE but to ask for my money back and to use another plugin.

Why? Why turn fans of your product into people who wonder why the heck did they buy this plugin?

I have spent three days trying to get this to work and you haven't bothered to email me, respond to any of my (and other's) posts and I don't have time to wait for you. It's completely disrespectful to your paying customers.

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How do I get a refund? 1
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How do I get a refund? 3
Mar 24, 2020

Your support team has been unable to help me and it's been three days since purchased. I fit the requirements for a refund. Please refund order #34580. I will be deleting this plugin and using another product.

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