How do I correct Pop-up display issues?

How do I correct Pop-up display issues? 1
Jan 31, 2018 08:50 AM 1 Answers General
Member Since Jan 2018
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My team pop-up profile gets hidden under my menu bar. I cannot see the team member's name or title. If I resize the window smaller, it is visible- but not when the browser window is at the default size.

The same issues are occuring with the slider and I'd prefer to use the slider. But the colored hyperlinks go away when set to slider. . .?!

Thanks in advance for your help.

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How do I correct Pop-up display issues? 1
How do I correct Pop-up display issues? 3
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How do I correct Pop-up display issues? 4
Jan 31, 2018

Welcome to our forum. You can add custom CSS to set top margin on popup or ze-index might help you, can you please send me your link? Regards

How do I correct Pop-up display issues? 5
- Feb 03, 2018 10:32 PM
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This is "z-index" property, but its already set to max value, your header also fixed position and has "z-index" value may cause the issue.

.team-popup-box {
z-index: 2147483647;


How do I correct Pop-up display issues? 6
- Feb 03, 2018 08:20 PM
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My initial question stated that I was having the same issue with the pop-up profile AND the slider hiding behind the menu bar. You gave me the CSS code to fix the pop up and it works great. What is the CSS code to prevent the pop-up slider from hiding behind the menu bar?

How do I correct Pop-up display issues? 5
- Feb 03, 2018 09:45 AM
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Can you please tell me what are you trying to do on popup slider?


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