Ticket for: User Verification
Is it possible to set the welcome email with a "Hello <name>," instead of "Hello <username>" ? Given that I already modified woocommerce to require billing name and billing surname at registration form.
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Not sure which email template are you talking about, we don't have parameter like
I noticed you released an update with a {user_display_name} added among the fields list, I really appreciate your disposability, tha is awesome.
I tested it though and is showing the username as well, not sure why, maybe because our settings tell wp to auto generate the username from the email address?
What i'm collecting in the woocommerce registration form is Name (as billing_first_name) Surname (as billing_last_name), Email (which wp creates the username from) and Password. I think on the web was suggested to use the "billing_first_name" and last name in order to have them match the name and surname fields at checkout.
All the best