Grid is not responsive

Grid is not responsive 1
Oct 03, 2017 08:16 AM 1 Answers General
Member Since Sep 2017
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The product description says "Fully responsive and mobile ready". But checking the grid on my mobile or by reducing the browser window on my desktop hides parts of the connected text. This is especially of importance, if the text ends with a read more link, which is then not displayed.

The problem even exists on your demo page (e.g.

How is the solution?

Best regards

2 Subscribers
Grid is not responsive 1
Grid is not responsive 3
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Grid is not responsive 4
Oct 03, 2017

Welcome to our forum.

This is settings issue for grid item height, please see the option "Grid Items Height" try "Auto height" or "Max height" with adjusting values for devices.

Please see the screenshot here

Let me know the result.


Grid is not responsive 5
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Woohoo!! Beautiful. 🙂 Thank you!

Grid is not responsive 6
- Jan 07, 2018 12:28 PM
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Can you please download latest version 3.1.30 and re-install the plugin, we have added advance option for item height for mobile and table, please see the screenshot.


Grid is not responsive 5
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Sure. On a computer it's great. On a phone there are issues.
When I set the height to auto and leave the dimensions at the default the posts overlap each other. When I set the height to auto and 700 for mobile it shows everything (I set 700 to accommodate a larger post) but there is lots of blank space between the different posts. The smaller posts all get 700px so there is dead space, I think. I am using custom layouts with Title with Link and Content.

How can I get you screen shots? I have them. 🙂

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