Free Post Grid update issue

Free Post Grid update issue 1
Jul 29, 2016 07:40 PM 1 Answers General
Member Since Jul 2016
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I posted on and was told to submit a screenshot.  I had loaded the update on my xampp local host.  It looks better this morning but the spacing issue is still there.  I have it set for masonry grid and use medium large images.  Maybe there is a new setting i have to attend to but am not aware of.  Would appreciate your help and thanks a lot.  Where is the "insert file" button?  The above image insert box does not work.  Anyway, there is normal spacing between some of the images but 0 px padding between others.  You might want to add an insert file button to your forum.  Thanks.   Mark

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Free Post Grid update issue 2
Jul 29, 2016

Welcome to our forum,
Please use to share your screenshot , also you can send through Google Drive.
I can also support via TeamViewer.

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