Filterable grid with both search AND filter options?

Ticket for: Combo Blocks
Filterable grid with both search AND filter options? 1
Saranya Designs
Sep 13, 2024 11:10 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Feb 2021
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Hello. I'm working on a grid on this page:

I believe I have asked this before, but if I enable the AJAX search feature, it then breaks the filter part of the grid, so the only way to have both search and filter options is to make the search an "on form submit" with a page reload, is that still correct?

If there is no way to have both search and filter be ajax and working properly together, then my question is this:

Is it possible to have the search input tool include an anchor link so that at least when the page refreshes, it loads the page to the top of the grid? For example if you use the search on the sample page I included here, but do it in MOBILE, you'll see the page refresh loads with a whole bunch of text above it. It would be ideal if the page reload goes to the top of the grid with the search results instead. Is this possible? Please advise...

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Filterable grid with both search AND filter options? 1
Filterable grid with both search AND filter options? 3
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Filterable grid with both search AND filter options? 4
Azizul Raju
Sep 14, 2024

Unfortunately, our shortcode-based filterable grid was not designed for advanced usage. Since all available items are loaded on the first page load, it is impossible to make ajax pagination work with the filterable grid in our current structure. Are you using the block editor? If so, please try our post grid filterable block.

Filterable grid with both search AND filter options? 5
Saranya Designs
- Oct 12, 2024 03:01 AM
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Any update on this question?

Filterable grid with both search AND filter options? 5
Saranya Designs
- Sep 18, 2024 04:06 AM
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Hi Azizul, I think you have misunderstood my goal. I am trying to build a grid that has both a category FILTER option as well as a SEARCH field option at the top. See example here:

I don’t think I can use your new block editor for this, because the grid is both a custom post type as well as using custom taxonomies. I do not see any settings for CPT or custom taxonomies in the block builder, even though I have the premium plugin? And even with the filterable grid in the block editor, I do not see an option to add a search field? Additionally, I have built the site using Divi so far… so I’d rather not use the block builder unless absolutely necessary…

The problem is that the only way to get the FILTER tabs/dropdown to work with the SEARCH box is to have the search set to “on form submit” (not ajax). Which would be fine if when the page reloads with the search results, the page scrolled to the top of the post grid. Right now when the page reloads, it loads to the top of the page which has a paragraph of text first. Which is a bigger problem in mobile.

Is there any way to have a filterable grid with a working search field that does not require a page reload? if not, then is there any way to have the search field submit results include an anchor link so that the page loads to the top of the GRID rather than to the top of the page with all the text above it?

Let me know if I’m making more sense? Thanks

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