Exclude certain posts from appearing in the list of related posts

Exclude certain posts from appearing in the list of related posts 1
Athira PV
May 08, 2024 06:09 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Jan 1970
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I would like to exclude certain posts from appearing in the list of related posts. How to make it possible?

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Exclude certain posts from appearing in the list of related posts 2
Azizul Raju
May 09, 2024

We have a handy filter hook you can use to achieve this. Here's the link to our documentation where you'll find the information under "Exclude Certain Posts from Related Posts": https://pickplugins.com/documentation/related-post/filter-hook/related-post-query-args/

The code you'll need to add to your theme's functions.php file. For a visual reference, we've also included a helpful screenshot here: https://ibb.co/t39smpt

If the code seems a bit technical, don't worry! We can provide you with more concise instructions that might be easier to follow.
Just let us know if you'd prefer a simplified explanation, and we'll be happy to help!

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