excepts and title of related posts considered page content

excepts and title of related posts considered page content 1
Nov 14, 2020 03:52 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Nov 2020
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Hi, how can I make sure the search results stop showing the excerpts and title of related posts as part of the content of the page they are shown on?

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excepts and title of related posts considered page content 1
excepts and title of related posts considered page content 3
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excepts and title of related posts considered page content 4
Nov 14, 2020

Welcome to our forum.
sorry to say, could not understand your issue clearly, could you please send me some screenshot or link where i can see the issue.


excepts and title of related posts considered page content 5
- Nov 15, 2020 04:32 AM
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Hi there,

I don't think a screenshot explains the issue. let me try again (and hope it's clear).
say I have a post about bananas. The related posts plugin shows a post about apples beneath the post which is great.
But when I search for "bananas" the search results show both the post called bananas and the post called apples, because the post about apples is shown on the bananas page. Apparently the related post is considered page content as it appears (as a related post) on that page.

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