Embedding Shortcode In An Accordion Plugin?

Ticket for: Accordions
Embedding Shortcode In An Accordion Plugin? 1
Matt Long
Jul 18, 2024 01:38 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Jan 1970
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I am using Connections Business Directory inside of the accordion plugin, but the drop down won’t display. Here’s is a stand alone page where it works fine:


But when I copy the short code, [connections show_category_count=’TRUE’ category=57 show_empty_categories=’TRUE’], from there, to the second accordion section here called “Find a Representative”: https://galenstgskd.wpengine.com/contact/ , It won’t show me the drop down.

When I remove the category=57 from the shortcode, it loads all of the connections, so it seems like it’s parsing the shortcode, but I need the drop down to display so that users can drill down to the connection they’re looking for.

Any ideas? Thanks!

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Embedding Shortcode In An Accordion Plugin? 2
Azizul Raju
Jul 18, 2024

Hi Matt,
Welcome to PickPlugins and thank you for your post.

I noticed a width issue when using the directory inside our accordion plugin. Unfortunately, I cannot test it since the directory plugin requires the pro version to use the form dropdown feature.

Could you please follow these instructions and test it for me?
1. Edit the accordion that contains the directory shortcode and change the view type to 'tabs'. You can refer to this screenshot for guidance - https://ibb.co/XCSvy9J

2. Lastly, please move the shortcode to the first accordion item, as on tabs, the first items will be open on page load. For accordion, you'll need to upgrade to the pro version.

Please let us know if your directory's width issue is fixed when the tab item is open on page load. If it works, you can purchase our pro version to force any accordion item on page load and access many other advanced features for the accordion.

Embedding Shortcode In An Accordion Plugin? 3
Azizul Raju
- Jul 25, 2024 06:10 AM
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Hi, we’re very sorry for the delay in responding.
You are correct! With the pro version, you have full control to choose a specific accordion item to open, not just the first item. Additionally, it’s possible to open multiple items on page load.

Embedding Shortcode In An Accordion Plugin? 4
- Jul 18, 2024 10:33 PM
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Ok. Yes, following your steps works to make it display. But it sounds like you are saying that even if I upgrade to the pro version, I would still have to have that section show first or be open and visible on page load. Is that correct?

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