Display of Post Grid in Search Results

Ticket for: Combo Blocks
Display of Post Grid in Search Results 1
Jon Perkins
Sep 28, 2020 06:08 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Aug 2020
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Hi There,

I have used the pro version of the post grid plugin on my site, so that categories and search results can have their own matching posts in the grid.

However I am having difficulty setting up the search results page as follows:

I have the standard WP search on the right-hand side of this page:

Sea bass, Red Mullet and Mussels with Bouillabaisse Sauce By Mark Dodson

I have put the post grid shortcode into the search results page theme template. However if you search for anything on the right such as "mushroom", the search results page you are redirected to shows "all" posts. and not just the ones associated with that keyword.

I was under the impression that the pro version of the software would allow for search results pages to be filtered to match the result.  Please can you provide me with instruction on how to do this.

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Display of Post Grid in Search Results 1
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Display of Post Grid in Search Results 4
Sep 29, 2020

Welcome to our forum.

have you checked the option

Ignore archive query to "No", please see the screenshot
and let me know the result.
also if this is doesn't work as expected please try deactivate others plugin one by one to check if any 3rd party plugin might cause the query conflict.
Display of Post Grid in Search Results 5
- Oct 14, 2020 09:05 AM
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Could you please send me a temporary admin access to your site? please send login info to this mail support@pickplugins.com

Display of Post Grid in Search Results 6
Jon Perkins
- Oct 09, 2020 05:48 AM
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Hi There, I have tried this suggestion, as well as changing settings and disabling other plugins but it is still not working as it should, and displays ALL results on the search results page. Please can you advise what to do next, or would you be able to log in and look at it?

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