Direct Linking to Category

Ticket for: Combo Blocks
Direct Linking to Category 1
Jan 21, 2019 08:35 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Jan 2019
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Hi - I purchased your paid version of Post Grid for my Ad agency portfolio. For our old portfolio widget, we coudl link directly to categories in teh menu such as Photoshoots, Brochures, Logo Designs. We have many links in our site that wants to link clients directly to a portfolio category. Are we able to do that with your plugin, and if so, please advise how.

2 Subscribers
Direct Linking to Category 1
Direct Linking to Category 3
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Direct Linking to Category 4
Jan 21, 2019

Welcome to our forum.

There is an option to link custom url to featured image, please go to each post there is meta filed box you will see the custom url field. for the title link still not available

Let me know for more help.




Direct Linking to Category 5
- Jan 24, 2019 11:17 AM
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Ok, I found this section. I don't think this solves my issue. I want to be able to display a category via a link. Right now, Post grid always defaults to the "All" category. We want to be able to link users to a specific project category such as " Logo Designs". is that possible?

Direct Linking to Category 5
- Jan 24, 2019 11:14 AM
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I do not have the option your screen grab shows. I have the Premium version of Post Grid.

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