Customize Woocommerce Login/Signup Compatible

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Customize Woocommerce Login/Signup Compatible 1
Oct 23, 2023 03:51 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Jan 1970
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Hi there, the reCAPTCHA by PickPlugins is working well on default Woocommerce login. However, it not able to display after we activate the woocommerce login/signup plugin by Xootix which is just some minor layout changes on it.

Seek your professional advice on this.

Thanks so much.


Best regards,


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Customize Woocommerce Login/Signup Compatible 2
Azizul Raju
Oct 24, 2023

As you mentioned the form is from a third-party plugin and unfortunately, we don't have support for this plugin. However, I've forwarded this feature request to our dev team and hopefully, they'll make our recaptcha compatible with the woocommerce login/signup plugin.

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