CSS for Previous & Next Overwriting Theme’s Related Products Slider CSS

CSS for Previous & Next Overwriting Theme's Related Products Slider CSS 1
Sep 23, 2016 03:22 PM 2 Answers General
Member Since Sep 2016
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I'm using your plugin on the home page of my site. Unfortunately, it is overwriting the CSS classes for the owl-buttons on my theme. The slider I'm using for the homepage, doesn't use navigation arrows, is there any way you can provide custom CSS to disable the formatting your plugin comes with?


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CSS for Previous & Next Overwriting Theme's Related Products Slider CSS 1
CSS for Previous & Next Overwriting Theme's Related Products Slider CSS 3
CSS for Previous & Next Overwriting Theme's Related Products Slider CSS 4
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CSS for Previous & Next Overwriting Theme's Related Products Slider CSS 5
Mar 07, 2017

Same with me. Please answer this issue. Our Next Prev button not visible on mouse hover. here is sample page i created on my web



CSS for Previous & Next Overwriting Theme's Related Products Slider CSS 6
- Mar 07, 2017 10:58 AM
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Thanks for your post,

Your theme also using owl.carousel.min.js is older version that we used in our plugin, please stop loading that file from your theme, or ask your theme author to update owl.carousel.min.js and owl.carousel.min.css



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CSS for Previous & Next Overwriting Theme's Related Products Slider CSS 7
Sep 23, 2016

Welcome to our forum

Can you please tell me where you are displaying slider that come from your theme ?i can see nav buttons are not showing , have you deactivate ?

Can you please create a page that contain slider using your theme.


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