Create 2 filters or 2 groups of categories separated

Ticket for: Team Showcase
Create 2 filters or 2 groups of categories separated 1
Nov 10, 2023 04:13 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Nov 2023
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Hi, could you please specify me how to modify the filter layout so that the two filters I want to create are displayed separately?

On the one hand, filter "position" (father categorie), which would contain the subcategories of: "partners", "associates" and "support staff", and on the other hand, by "work area", which would contain the subcategories: "tax law", "immigration law", etc.

Right now, if I create all this filter categories, they all come out in alphabetical order, mixing those of "position" with those of "work area", but I would like them to appear in two separate blocks of information, on the one hand all the filter options by "position" and, on the other hand, in a different line break, all the options by "work area". How can I do that?

Thanks in advance.

2 Subscribers
Create 2 filters or 2 groups of categories separated 1
Create 2 filters or 2 groups of categories separated 3
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Create 2 filters or 2 groups of categories separated 4
Azizul Raju
Nov 13, 2023

Is it possible to send us a temp admin access so we can help?
You can send it here -

Actually, you've to create a custom filter and make sure you've selected the custom filter type set to Group.
Then click on the Add button to add another filter.

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