Change Post Grid Read More Text

Change Post Grid Read More Text 1
May 20, 2016 01:16 AM 1 Answers General
Member Since May 2016
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I recently purchased the premium version and I have a few questions.

  1. How can I change the text "Read More" to "View Project"?
  2. How can I remove the post grid loading animation (post grids fly-in) when the page loads?
  3. Is there any documentation on how to properly use the individual post grid section found on each individual post page?
  4. What elements are used for the search function (title,tag,ect)? Is it possible to add a submit button to the search instead of having it be automatic?

Thank you in advance.

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Change Post Grid Read More Text 2
May 25, 2016

Welcome to our forum,
#1. you need to go edit layout editor and add an element "Read More" click to expand you will see the input field for custom Read more Text.
Please see the screenshot
#2. Please see the option "Lazy Load Enable" under "Layout settings" tab
Lazy Load Enable > No
#3. Could not understand your issue clearly, here is the plugin documentation link
#4. Search result will display form page content, title, please see our demo search features available on post grid
Search via url parameter.
you can search for any keyword/phrase/word by parameter “keyword” in url with pagination support , for example:

  • No limit for character length to take search.
  • Search word will display on search box.
  • Has pagination support.
  • No Load more support.

Ajax search.
search for any keyword into search box, pagination doesn’t support in ajax search will hide the pagination area when ajax search taken.

  • Search word must have at-least 3 character long to initiate search.
  • Max result count from “Posts per page” option input.
  • No Pagination support.
  • No Load more support.

Please let me know for more help.

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