can’t apply for job on Job Board Manager

Ticket for: Job Board Manager
can't apply for job on Job Board Manager 1
Mar 13, 2020 12:09 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Mar 2020
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When i go to the the jobs i created are listed but then i try to test how the job appliers will aplly for the jobs and click on any of the jobs i created it doesn't show any information like the page doesn't even exist and redirect to the homepage.
Note: I don't want the the appliers to be forced to create an user in order to apply for the jobs.

Best regards

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can't apply for job on Job Board Manager 1
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can't apply for job on Job Board Manager 4
Mar 13, 2020

Welcome to our forum.

Have you tried by resting permalink settings?  please note i can't access to your site,

Please see there is an option to force user login to submit an application on jobs


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