Can you still do custom Read More text in Ver 2.0.41 (Post Grid Plugin)?

Ticket for: Combo Blocks
Can you still do custom Read More text in Ver 2.0.41 (Post Grid Plugin)? 1
Greg Ricker
Oct 07, 2019 07:54 PM 1 Answers
Member Since Sep 2019
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I've found references to changing the Read More text to a custom string on the FAQ page. I only have two options for changing the Read More string and they are css related. Is this still possible and does it require the pro version of the Post Grid plugin? Thank you.

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Can you still do custom Read More text in Ver 2.0.41 (Post Grid Plugin)? 1
Can you still do custom Read More text in Ver 2.0.41 (Post Grid Plugin)? 3
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Can you still do custom Read More text in Ver 2.0.41 (Post Grid Plugin)? 4
Oct 08, 2019

Welcome to our forum.
Yes, this feature still available in free version, have you checked this video on how to change read more text?


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