Can you have a menu at the top that sorts the grid by category when the user clicks on one eg. designer

Can you have a menu at the top that sorts the grid by category when the user clicks on one eg. designer 1
Nov 13, 2018 08:22 AM 1 Answers General
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Can you have a menu at the top that sorts the grid by category when the user clicks on one eg. designer

2 Subscribers
Can you have a menu at the top that sorts the grid by category when the user clicks on one eg. designer 2
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Can you have a menu at the top that sorts the grid by category when the user clicks on one eg. designer 3
Nov 13, 2018

Welcome to our forum.

are you talking about post grid plugin, unfortunately, sorry to say, post grid is not advance to filter post like you are looking for, but we have planning to do in the future version.



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