Can post grid be ordered by post views?

Can post grid be ordered by post views? 1
Feb 10, 2018 10:22 AM 1 Answers General
Member Since Feb 2018
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Can the grid be ordered by post views? if so is there a post views plugin you recommend or a certain code to use ?

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Can post grid be ordered by post views? 1
Can post grid be ordered by post views? 3
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Can post grid be ordered by post views? 4
Feb 10, 2018

Welcome to our forum,

There is an option available to post order by meta value. so you will need to save post view count under meta field you will need to use that meta key on Post query orderby meta key input field, please see the screenshot

Sorry to say i don't have recommend any plugin for you. but you may follow the code here

Let me know for more help.


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