Accordions stopped displaying on pages after upgrade to 3.1.9

Accordions stopped displaying on pages after upgrade to 3.1.9 1
Aug 23, 2016 03:51 AM 3 Answers General
Member Since Aug 2016
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After upgrading from free version Accordion to Premium version 3.1.9, all accordions no longer load on pages showing only the ellipses loading .gif. Please help.  License key is added and showing active.

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Accordions stopped displaying on pages after upgrade to 3.1.9 2
Accordions stopped displaying on pages after upgrade to 3.1.9 3
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Accordions stopped displaying on pages after upgrade to 3.1.9 4
Sep 14, 2016

I also have this problem. It just keeps loading symbol until I take off lazyload option.  Then the playlist shows but the accordion does not close.

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Accordions stopped displaying on pages after upgrade to 3.1.9 5
Sep 05, 2016

Sorry for late reply,

have your issue fixed ? please reply if you still need some help.


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Accordions stopped displaying on pages after upgrade to 3.1.9 6
Aug 23, 2016

Using WP version 4.6. Also had the above issues in previous WP version before upgrade.

Under Accordion Options > Enable Lazy Load. When toggled to "No" Accordions now load on pages. Went through each Accordion and switched this option to no and all load.

While this seems to have fixed the issue, please advise on the accuracy and root cause. Thank you.

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