Accordions plugin has a random behaviour, sometimes appear, some times it does not

Ticket for: Accordions
Accordions plugin has a random behaviour, sometimes appear, some times it does not 1
Vicente Padulo
Mar 24, 2019 05:32 AM 1 Answers
Member Since Mar 2019
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Hi guys, I hope you are doing well, My problem is: I updated the plugin 2 days ago, no additional changes, before the update accordions were working worderfuly, and after that there is a random behaviour. When a go to the site sometimes accordions appears, and some times they disappear, but after refreshing the site (F5), the accordions come back. Any idea guys what the problem could be?. I really appreciate all you help on this matter and thanks in advance. The sites are:



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Accordions plugin has a random behaviour, sometimes appear, some times it does not 1
Accordions plugin has a random behaviour, sometimes appear, some times it does not 3
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Accordions plugin has a random behaviour, sometimes appear, some times it does not 4
Mar 24, 2019

Welcome to our forum.

I can see there is a js error on your page, might cause the issue

you probably using minified/cache plugin, can you please deactivate these plugin. see what's happening?


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